Werbefilme der Insel-Film GmbH: Sonderrolle Herr Kromann
Genre: Advertising film
Year: 1967-1973
Runtime: 11:56 min
Description: Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS BILDMEISTER "Farbtreu Fernsehen": „Experience the world in color. True-color television with Siemens.“ Logo with rainbow-colored circle arranged as a mobile. Demonstration of nuances in color reproduction: „Green is not green: tree frog green, grass green, pea green, oxide green.“ In each case, the appropriate objects are shown as examples in a dynamic montage. „Yellow is not yellow: corn yellow, lemon yellow, post van yellow.“ Simens logo over colorful background. // Spot Nr. 2 (01:17): PERSIL 70 "Junge und Hund": A little boy with a dachshund on a leash and a big pack of Persil 70 on his way home. The walk home takes longer these days because the pack is three pounds heavier. Accompanied by marching music, fun moments ensue: The boy gets tangled up in a roadside pillar, stops for a rest and uses the Persil pack as a rocking chair. On her return, the mother opens the window with relief and welcomes the son, dog and Persil at the front door. // Spot Nr. 3 (01:53): PERSIL 70 "Krone Schloß": Assembly in front of a castle portal. A limousine is used to bring the grand prize of the big Persil competition: „The golden crown for the unsurpassed Persil white.“ A man carries the crown into the palace on a green cushion, next to him other men with other prizes on presenter cushions. Addressing the women, „Which woman will be allowed to receive it on Coronation Day?“ The crown turning in front of a pack of Persil 70. Note: Participation cards at your merchant. // Spot Nr. 4 (02:26): HUDSON PASALONG Strumpfhosen: A group of women dance in short white dresses. „Hudson brings pantyhose in six clothing sizes: 36-50.“ The sizes are superimposed, along with a dancing woman, although the women's clothing sizes do not correspond with the ones shown in each case. Product package: „Hudson Pasalong: the pleasure of wearing something special.“ // Spot Nr. 5 (02:59): PICON Aperitifgetränk 71/3 [Picknick im Park]: Argument between two families at a picnic in the countryside. A man comes with Picon, reconciles both parties. Relaxed atmosphere, laughter. Picon bottles red and white, slogan sung: „First relax, first Picon.“ // Spot Nr. 6 (03:33): DAS Rechtschutz 67/1 [Horst Wiehlau]: A man walks relieved and elated. He was acquitted in the last instance, the costs were paid by DAS legal protection insurance. „DAS. We want you to get your right!“ // Spot Nr. 7 (04:06): DAS Rechtschutz 67/2 [Herr Degener und Hund]: A man walks comfortably with his dog. He just got his right in the last instance, the costs took over the DAS legal protection insurance. „DAS. We want you to get your right!“ // Spot Nr. 8 (04:41): Kauf's in Tuben: „Buy it in tubes!“ Various examples of practical solutions to tube packaging in everyday life. // Spot Nr. 9 (06:15): BLENDAX Zahnbürsten 68/1 [Hündchen]: A man drags toothbrushes on a leash behind him in the park. A doctor sees this and asks how the dear little doggies are doing. But the man insists that they are toothbrushes. When the doctor is gone, he turns to the brushes and says: „What, my dear little dogs? We sure gave it to him!“ Presentation of the three different Blendax quality toothbrushes in the display. // Spot Nr. 10 (06:48): OMO FORMEL 14 Waschmittel: Girl discovers a dirty old frilly blouse in the attic. With OMO, the blouse shines bright white again after a wash cycle. Girl posing with the blouse in front of the mirror. „Omo formula 14, stronger than dirt.“ // Spot Nr. 11 (07:23): CONSTRUCTA Waschmaschinen 73/1: Advertising poster with a woman and the slogan „Once Constructa again Constructa“. All over the city, people look at the poster. „The new Constructa washes, spins and dries in one go.“ // Spot Nr. 12 (07:59): DEO SIGNAL Zahncreme "Muru": Girl wants to play table soccer with a boy, but he moves away from her. „A person with bad breath, a mu-ru.“ The table splits in two, the boy moves his part to the side, away from the girl. She looks exasperated. „Now there's Deo Signal.“ The girl laughs. The scene repeats and this time ends well. The two play against each other. „Deo Signal and you're liked again. Get the new striped Deo Signal.“ // Spot Nr. 13 (08:33): BELLINDA Strumpfhosen 72/3 "Mädchen": Young women in miniskirts get stuck in their Renault R4 convertible on a hill climb. They get out of the car, screw around in stooped poses on the car, get something out of the trunk, and push the empty car in unison. All the while, the women's legs are in focus. „Endlessly long and magically beautiful, the rimless tights of Bellinda.“ // Spot Nr. 14 (08:56): Esplanade (Nr. 1: Jaguar): Wide angle shot of a woman lying on a Jaguar E-Type car. A man is giving her a light. „Esplanade. The new world-size pleasure.“ Another man and a woman on a swing. He hands her a cigarette. The first couple now walking in front of the Jaguar with a transparent umbrella, the man of the other couple driving while the woman lies on the hood. Animation with cigarettes and a pack. „In full length with low nicotine smoke so you can fully enjoy. Esplanade.“ // Spot Nr. 15 (09:41): ARAL [72/1] "Sauber hilft": Clouds of smoke from the exhaust. Aral has the clean solution, Aral Engine Cleaner AMR. Cars on a country road. „Cleanliness for your engine, cleanliness for you, for those around you, cleanliness for the environment.“ City views. A car pulls up to a gas station and fills up. Slogan: „Clean drives the longest.“ // Spot Nr. 16 (10:31): ARAL 72/2: People driving cars in close-ups. Every 4th liter is refueled at Aral. The blue ribbon of the German motorist, the chain of blue and white gas stations. Landscapes in Germany, in between ARAL gas stations in operation. Slogan: „Aral. A great name commits to performance.“ //
Keywords: Werbung / Advertising / Lebensmittel / Food / Getränk / Beverages / Alkoholische Getränke / Alcoholic beverages / Hauswirtschaft / Home economics / Haushaltsarbeit / Housekeeping / Mode / Fashion / Frauenkleidung / Women's clothing / Elektrisches Haushaltsgerät / Household appliances, Electric / Waschmaschine / Washing machines / Waschmittel / Detergents / Wäschetrockner / Clothes dryers / Unterhaltungselektronik / Household electronics / Fernseher / Television--Receivers and reception / Körperpflege / Hygiene / Mundpflege / Oral hygiene products / Familie / Families / Elternschaft / Parenthood / Kind / Children / Sport / Sports / Tanz / Dance / Finanzen / Financial institutions / Versicherung / Insurance / Fortbewegungsmittel / Vehicles / Automobil / Motor car / Benzin / Gasoline / Zigaretten / Cigarettes / Europeana XX: Century of Change
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Production company: Insel-Film GmbH (München)
Director: Herbert Krohmann
Document type:
Language: de
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